Dependent Child Key datatypes


Staff member
Wanted to clarify regarding Dependent Child Key datatypes - are there any restrictions or recommendations for using specific datatypes?

In the book (chapter given examples - line-item number in an invoice, cassette sides A and B, timestamp of an e-mail message - suggests that all datatypes are accepted in Dependent Child Key.

However, DATEs are mentioned when it comes to ones that doesn't end up as part of the link - essentially those that are in fact descriptive attributes (and thus should go to Satellites).

Yet as long as Dependent Child Key attribute is a Degenrate Field, there is really no restrictions originating from Data Vault standard on what datatype it can be?
There is one response:

The Data Warrior said:
As always, use the best datatype for the content being stored. No restrictions on the datatype for a column that is part of a business key. If there is a date column that really is needed for uniqueness, and semantically appropriate to the definition, then store it as a date.
There is one response:

The Data Warrior said:
As always, use the best datatype for the content being stored. No restrictions on the datatype for a column that is part of a business key. If there is a date column that really is needed for uniqueness, and semantically appropriate to the definition, then store it as a date.